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AjMall is one of the most prominent websites that display a distinguished collection of high-quality products such as clothes, shoes, bags, makeup, and cosmetics that reflect the latest international fashion. AjMall holds up to 3,000,000 products, and Al Coupon also offers an exclusive AjMall coupon code, that gives the opportunity to purchase products at unimaginable prices. Customers can share their AjMall promo codes with friends, to enjoy a great shopping experience from home without having to go out and search in various shops.
AjMall Promo Code 2025 | Valid through app & website
Online shopping addicts, where are you? You can now shop online through the AjMall app or website with additional discounts when using AjMall coupon code 2025
Online shopping addicts, where are you? You can now shop online through the AjMall app or website with additional discounts when using AjMall promo code 2025; do not miss the opportunity now. There are also different payment methods customers can use when purchasing:
Credit cards such as: Visa Card and Mastercard
Cash on delivery
AjMall website provides a fast delivery service through different shipping companies. The site also features free shipping if the value of purchases reaches 324 Saudi riyal or more.
AjMall provides a return and exchange service for customers within a period not exceeding 14 days from the date of delivery of the order, by communicating with the site to request the return of the product, and the site’s return policy requires the following:
That the product to be returned is in its original condition and packaging
The period of the return and replacement request does not exceed 14 days from the date of receiving the order
The return request is rejected when the deadline set by the AjMall expires
The product to be returned does not contain damage or defect due to its opening or use
Getting a distinguished experience through the AjMall app for online shopping in an easy way that does not require any effort
Access to high quality products for men, women and children
The site provides its customers with an easy return and exchange service with ease and no difficulties
Ajmal provides its customers with many offers and discounts, for a good opportunity to purchase their favorite products at competitive prices
Al Coupon site offers the exclusive AjMall coupon code worth 15% for all of its customers, get it now.
The site offers free shipping for eligible orders
AjMall clothing website is directed towards providing the latest international fashion
Feel free to use the AjMall coupon code when shopping on the website or through the AjMall app for more special offers and exclusive coupon codes.